AzUAC Rector Addresses Architectural Heritage Damage in Karabakh at Third 'Heritage without Borders' International Seminar

The rector of the Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction (AzUAC), Professor GulchohraMammadova, along with Professor Sabina Hajiyeva, the director of the Department of Architectural Constructions and Monument Restoration, participated in the 3rd international seminar titled "Heritage without Borders." This seminar was organized by professors Nora Lombardini and doctoral student Elena Fiorettofrom Milan Polytechnic University.


In her presentation on "Azerbaijan's architectural heritage, its current state, and preservation issues," the rector provided information about the historical architecture monuments specific to Azerbaijan's main architectural schools. She discussed the current condition and preservation challenges of Azerbaijan's architectural heritage, particularly focusing on the significant damage faced by architectural heritage in Karabakh due to recent events. She also highlighted the attempts to erase Islamic monuments and Armenianization efforts targeting Christian monuments during the occupation.


Professor Sabina Hajiyeva, in her presentation titled "Architectural heritage of Azerbaijan's northwest region," analyzed the existing architectural monuments in the northwest region of Azerbaijan. She provided information about the rich architectural heritage, construction, and decorative art of the region, emphasizing the need for comprehensive research and preservation of defense, religious, civil, and various types of architectural monuments in these areas.


Both presentations received great interest, and the presenters addressed numerous questions from the audience.


It's worth mentioning that the event was organized within the framework of the European Union's Erasmus+ KA 107 "Heritage without Borders" project, with the participation of the following universities: the Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction, Georgian Technical University, University of Novi Sad in Serbia, and Tokyo University of the Arts in Japan. The seminar was organized in two directions: collaborative work of students studying architecture preservation at Milan Polytechnic University and lectures by professors.


Additionally, one of the collaborative projects undertaken by students focused on the Yeddi Kilsa(Seven Churches) Monastery Complex located in the Gakh region of Azerbaijan. Due to the importance of the event, it was decided to hold it online instead of the planned in-person event in Milan in May, which was postponed due to quarantine measures. The aim of the seminars was to draw attention to the preservation of cultural and architectural heritage in strategic Eastern countries such as Serbia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia.
