Women's Council

   The Women's Council of the Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction, which has been operating under the name of the Women's Council of the Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction since 1975, and the Women's Council of the Yasamal District Territorial Organization No. 43 of the New Azerbaijan Party since 1995. Its aim is to help, care for women teachers, workers and employees in solving their work, labor and social issues, and if certain problems arise, to raise the issue before the relevant authorities.
The main tasks of the organization:
1. To raise issues with the Scientific Council to study the problems of female teachers and employees and to make a relevant decision, and to submit a petition to the management of the institution;
2. Close participation in the organization of events held at the university and national levels, historical events and significant holidays, debates, discussions, meetings dedicated to various topical issues;
3. Ensuring the rights of teachers, staff and female students;
4. Organization of leisure and effective leisure of teachers and staff;
5. Delivery of information on events in the socio-political, social, economic and cultural life of the Republic;
6. Organization of events in order to strengthen the work of educating students in the spirit of military patriotism;
7. Organization of events for the purpose of formation of specialists with scientific knowledge as participants of construction and creative works in our republic.
    From 1975 to 2010, the Council was headed by Edilya Anvar gizi Jabrayilzadeh, Associate Professor of the Department of Construction Materials, Candidate of Technical Sciences. Members of the University Women's Council regularly met with girls studying in the faculties, visited dormitories and inquired about their social issues. In addition, members of the Council participated in events organized at the university, and were closely involved in women's issues within the women's organizations of the republic.
    During the years of Edilya Jabrayilzade's leadership of the University Women's Council, close relations were established with women's societies of neighboring countries. This can be seen more clearly in the example of friendly relations between the Women's Council of our university and the Women's Council of the Georgian Technical University, as well as the Samarkand Women's Council, in meetings with representatives of France, Turkey and Norway.
"Joy" dance group, consisting of female students of the university, was established in 1986 thanks to the efforts and care of the University Women's Council. Now this dance group is called Buta.
    In 2011, Salatin Ali gizi Ahmadova, senior teacher of the Azerbaijani language and pedagogy department of our university, doctor of philosophy in philology, was elected chairman of the Women's Council of the Yasamal district territorial organization No. 43 of the New Azerbaijan Party. Under her leadership, the Women's Council of AzUAC operates and unites 705 women professors, teachers and administrative staff. They include 8 faculties (229 professors and teachers), teaching assistants (127 people), libraries (41 people), colleges (77 people), administrative staff (90 people), lyceum and administrative staff (141 people), women's organizations. under.
Council members often meet with female students and take an interest in their concerns and problems. On significant holidays, they also visit the homes of orphans and the elderly deprived of parental care, buy and distribute food, clothing and other supplies.
The events organized by the Women's Council with scientists, cultural figures, as well as prominent artists are also very commendable.

Chairman: Salatin Ali gizi Ahmadova
Address: Az 1073, Baku, A. Sultanova Street, 11. IX floor
Tel: (+994 12) 439-10-45 switch
439-40-31 switch
internal: 1-75
E-mail: [email protected]

11 Ayna Sultanova, Baku
(+994 12) 539 10 45|[email protected]