
Our History

In 1920 – the Department of Civil Engineering was part of Baku Polytechnic Institute
In 1932-1934 – independently functioned as Azerbaijan Construction Institute (ACI)
Since 1934 – the Department of Construction has been part of the Azerbaijan Institute of Industrial Architecture
In 1950 – the Department of Architecture, Construction, Transport and Hydro-melioration within the Azerbaijan Polytechnic Institute
In 1975 – Azerbaijan Institute of Civil Engineers was established
Since 2000 – by the decree of Heydar Aliyev, the higher education institution was named as Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction

AZUAC today:

Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction is an educational institution with rich educational traditions, strong intellectual and personnel potential, which has its place and reputation among higher education institutions in our country. The university is the largest scientific and educational center in our republic, training highly qualified architects, construction engineers and specialists in other fields. Our university employs 550 professors and faculty among whom there are State Prize laureates and members of the National Academy of Sciences. 
Language of instruction at the university is Azerbaijani, Russian and English. According to academic year 2023-2024, students get education in 53 specialties within 8 departments. Besides this, the Construction College, Physics-Mathematics Oriented Lyceum attached to the university and Project Institute which started as of 2010, have been functioning under the university. 
The university building includes three academic campuses with modern infrastructure, scientific and educational laboratories, an electronic and a daytime library, five cafeterias, a museum, a sports club and has the territory of 5,56 hectares. 

Our Mission:

The Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction is the largest scientific and educational center in our country, training highly qualified specialists in architecture, construction, engineering systems, hydraulic installations, and other fields. Our mission is to train creative and competitive young patriotic specialists with expert knowledge and independent thinking, faithful to the national and moral values of our people.

Our Vision:

In order to ensure the rapid development of Azerbaijan, the national and modern democratic spirit of society, as well as the decisive role of higher education in ensuring that our country takes its rightful place among the countries of the world, it is necessary to create an exceptional human resources potential of the future by ensuring the development of the university in all directions.

Our Values:

• Academic excellence
• Honesty
• Transparency
• Social responsibility
• Commitment to national and moral values
• Modernity


11 Ayna Sultanova, Baku
(+994 12) 539 10 45|[email protected]